Commercial And Domestic Sewing Machines, Leicester, UK 🇬🇧

Advice and Demos Available

Service and Repairs Available

Product Guarantee

Lease Plans Available

Fast Delivery Available

5-Star Service. Always.

Service and Maintenance

Full Sewing Machine Support and Training

When delivering and installing machinery, it is our aim to set ourselves apart from our competitors by offering comprehensive operator training clearly demonstrating the functions of the machine, best practices and a little preventative maintenance to get you up and running.

In addition we can offer in depth operation and maintenance training either in your factory, our facility in Leicester or even at the offices of our partners such as Pfaff and Typical. This is particularly beneficial for the technical equipment such as pattern sewers and automatic units.

We are also happy to assist with the ongoing service and maintenance of your machinery whether by ad-hoc service visits as required or by regular and scheduled contract work.

If you would like to discuss any of these options, please do not hesitate to contact us.