High Speed Single Needle Drop Feed Machine with Variable Top Feed
Employed in all branches of the sewing industry.
- The variable top-feed allows application of fullness and/or sewing without ply-shift.
- An additional pedal or knee switch allows variation of top feed during sewing (-918/14)
- Large hook (G) with approx. 50 % more bobbin capacity than normal machines.
- Programmable control of fullness (-918/15)
- Top-feed pressure may be adjusted separately for optimum sewing of difficult materials.
- Floating foot for sewing difficult material using extremely low pressure, quick-adjust stepping control for different thickness of material -918/38
- Double-bearings on needle bar, take-up lever and feed regulator components.
- Central lubrication of sewing hook and needle bar. (semi dry sewing head)
- Lifetime sealed maintenance-free bearings.
- Closed gear case with long-time lubrication pad.
- Built-in adjustment gauges for easier and faster adjustment.
- Most parts used on 480 series machines are standardised, low store keeping costs for spare parts